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Dr. DeMers

Found a tick? Here's what to do

Updated: Jul 3, 2024

The best way to remove a tick is with tweezers or a tick removing device. Get the tip of the tweezers around the head of the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull straight out.

Testing the tick

You can have the tick tested for tick-borne diseases. Your local health department may do this testing for free. You can find your local health department through CT Department of Public Health or by calling 860-509-7660. You can also send it to U-Mass Amherst. You can find this information at

Testing myself or my family member

Quest now offers PCR (DNA testing) of the tick borne diseases if you want to have testing done within the first two weeks of a tick bite. You will need to be seen to take a history, complete an exam and to have the lab test ordered. Prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended. After about 6 weeks the office can also order an Immunoblot to check for antibodies. Unfortunately none of these tests are 100% accurate. If standard lab testing is negative, but you still have concerns of disease, we offer Vibrant testing.

Symptoms to watch for

Symptoms of Lyme are fever, bulls eye rash, swollen painful joints, headaches and stomach aches. Call the office if your child develops any of these or other unusual symptoms.


Remember prevention is really the most important step. Check your child, pets and yourself for ticks every time you come inside during tick season and at the end of the day. Remove any ticks found immediately to reduce the likelihood of transmission of a tick-borne disease. We offer natural, effective tick and bug repellant in the office which can be safely applied on a daily basis.

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